With more than 20 years of integrating form and function into beautifully designed and engineered sites, the essence of who we are remains consistent as Site Resources grows and evolves. We are landscape architects and civil engineers working together to create exceptional places through a continuously collaborative design process. The root of who we are has always been there, fusing and balancing elements in unified site design, and that’s not changing.

That said, we are excited to unveil something new. After all, change is good, and necessary…Our new logo highlights our continuously collaborative design process. Site Resources’ landscape architects and civil engineers share their knowledge to create inviting and sustainable places – where our civil engineering and landscape architecture intersect is where real-time collaboration takes hold. Every day. Side-by-side problem solving, on equal ground, from more than one perspective. Each seeing the others’ point of view as we integrate form and function. Founded on the belief that if both disciplines work together each day, the places we create are enriched.

Take time to re-discover who we are.  We invite you to explore our new website and engage with our vision: Creative Design. Successfully Engineered.